Life Philosophies and Musings

A collection of philosophical thoughts and musings and various topics and suggestions. This is where you can find opinions and thoughts that you may or may not agree with.

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The joys of caring for elderly parents

Offerings of the funny, not so funny and informational aspects of caring for parents struggling with dementia and failing health.

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Urban Homesteading, prepping and other quirks

View my successes and failures of growing our own food as we try to become more self-sufficient in our suburban neighbourhood. In our journey towards self-sufficiency You can follow my success and failures in gardening, canning, freeze drying, dehydrating and various DIY projects around the ol' homestead as well as updates on our solar system.

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Life and other forms of crazy making

I have always believed that a wise person learns from the mistakes of others. We have embarked on a journey to achieve a greater level of self-sufficiency and maybe even a little spiritual growth. This entire project is a result of inspiration from a comment by one of my wonderful girls that lit a fire in me to make my dream of a blog and YouTube channel happen.

My goal in all of this is to inspire and inform people other than my kids because they are tired of listening to me. I want to share  some of my old time skills that seem to being going by the way side in this tech driven world.
